DIRECTORY Our ever-growing list of cargo-bike businesses. Are you a business that would like to be listed? Get in touch! SERVICECycling SparksDomestic and commerican electricians (on cargo bikes) LOGISTICSPedalMeCargo and passenger courier SERVICEFettleMobile bike repairs BIKESCarryMe BikesCargo bike retailer and hire LOGISTICSMangoCourier BIKESFully ChargedCargo bike retailer SERVICEDrain GeeksDrain unblocking, cleaning and repeair by cargo bike SHOPPINGFreddie's FlowersFlorist delivering by cargo bike SERVICELaundryheapDry cleaning BIKESBerylBike and scooter hire with cargo bike options CATERINGDoms SubsSandwich shop using cargo bike for local deliveries in Hackney LOGISTICSZheroSpecialist art and intetior logistics SHOPPINGBell & Sons ButchersButcher offering local deliveries by cargo bike SERVICEFirst MileWaste management LOGISTICSZedifyCourier BIKESOurBikeCommunity cargo bike share scheme LOGISTICSEcoFleetZero emissions deliveries SERVICENip NipMobile bike repairs LOGISTICSAbsolutelyCourier SERVICERideCleanMobile bike repairs EDUCATIONMonkey Music Tower BridgeBaby and toddler classes using cargo bikes FolLOW THE REVOLUTION: GOT A question FOR US? EMAIL US > Cargo Revolution Questions 2 3 2 Name * First Name Last Name Email * Message * Thank you!